Stand Up Malayalam Movie Review ‘Kathakal Paraye’ song from ‘Standup’ narrated the trauma that Rajisha Vijayan’s character of Diya goes through after a sexual assault. Isolated, lost in thoughts, a multitude of emotions go through her mind and they are perfectly portrayed in this song. The intense lyrics and voice-over will surely make your heart […]
Vishu is a major festival celebrated in Kerala and the Malayali girls look beautiful in their Festival attire for the occasion. The ‘Premam’ fame actress Sai Pallavi is all set for a Malayalam movie ‘Athiran’, where the actress shared her Vishu look through social media. Sai Pallavi looks gorgeous in the Kerala attire with her […]
The actor/producer/politican/ Mr. Devan joins on Morning Drive with RJ Vysakh & RJ Samira. He failed, crashed, broke, hurt.. yet rose again to fame. His life is a message that nothing can fail you if you refuse to stay so! Watch the video to know the full story.